Urban Planning

New Zealand’s landscapes are a canvas for innovation and growth, presenting unique opportunities for development that respects our natural heritage. At Infill, our planning consultants are at the forefront of transforming these opportunities into sustainable realities. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the nuances of land use, we guide projects from concept to completion with expertise and vision. Our planning services include:

  • Feasibility Assessments
  • Site Plans
  • Planning Assessments
  • Design Statements
  • Resource Consent Applications – land use and subdivision as well as discharge, water and coastal permits
  • Assessment of Environmental Effects
  • Change of Resource Consent or Consent Notice Condition Applications
  • Encroachment License Applications
  • Submissions to Council
  • Private Plan Change Requests

Choosing Infill Means

  • Simplifying the Complex: The term “resource consent” might seem daunting, but with Infill, it’s a step in your project’s journey we navigate together. Our team has extensive experience in managing the resource consent process, making what can be complex seem straightforward. Whether it’s advising on residential developments in challenging zones or spearheading large-scale urban regeneration projects, we’ve got the knowledge to ensure a smooth path forward.
  • Planning with Vision: Our urban planners are experts at conceptualising developments that revitalise communities. Working with our engineers, we create feasible, practical plans that look to the future.
  • Harnessing Best Practice: We prioritise development that aligns with New Zealand’s landscapes and regulations. Our urban planners streamline compliance, guiding you through legal requirements for a smooth project execution.
  • An Integrated Approach: Collaboration is our strength. Infill’s integrated urban planning approach brings together experts across development phases, ensuring innovative, practical solutions.

Partner with us for your Planning Needs

Join us at Infill as we pave the way for future generations through thoughtful planning and sustainable development. Our team is ready to transform your ambitious visions into successful projects that stand the test of time and contribute to New Zealand’s vibrant future.

Contact us to discover how our urban planners can make your project a benchmark for excellence and innovation.